University La Sapienza di Roma

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giovedì 6 giugno 2024

Series or Parallel Configuration? University La Sapienza di Roma Answers

We share with you the results of a test conducted with the support of the University of La Sapienza in Rome, to determine the most efficient configuration of three vacuum thermal solar panels. The test compares Pleion X-RAY R solar collectors, in series or parallel configuration.

Here is a summary of the main points:

• Series Configuration: The collectors are connected one after the other, with the fluid flowing through each collector in succession.
• Parallel Configuration: The collectors are connected in such a way that the fluid divides and flows simultaneously through each collector, then converges into a single flow.

The test results showed significant differences between the two configurations, highlighting the advantage of the parallel configuration for most conventional applications:

• Energy Efficiency: more uniform fluid distribution and lower hydraulic resistance;
• Thermal Performance: more stable and uniform temperatures;
• Ease of Installation and Maintenance: requires fewer hydraulic connections. However, for specific installations requiring high temperatures, the series configuration may still be preferable.

PLEION Advantages

In conclusion, the Pleion X-RAY R solar collector, thanks to its exclusive integrated and pre-insulated third tube, proves to be a winner, as it:

• Can be installed in both series and parallel configurations;
• Offers flow and return possibilities on the same side;
• Ensures minimal aesthetic impact;
• Improves system performance in every application;
• Allows for significant material savings;
• Significantly reduces installation times;
• Facilitates periodic maintenance;
• Offers maximum flexibility with hydraulic connections on both the right and left sides. How much is all this worth?

According to our calculations, it is worth at least €200 for each collector installed!

Learn more at...Pleion